Grow with People Growers

People Growers has been in the Employee Health and Wellness business for over 27 years.

Our specialty? Educational Productions and Promotions! What makes People Growers a great company is the refined process that we have created that ensures our clients an extraordinary event with the least amount of effort. This makes the process for you simple and the employing of People Growers smart and cost effective!

People Growers Hosted Events:

People Growers looks forward to providing professional and unmatched event services to you and your employees in support of your Wellness Programs.

Want more information?

We are Here To Assist You

Please fill out this form to the best of your knowledge.

The more information you provide the better we will be able to assist you.

Thank you.

    Contact Information: (Required)

    People Growers Contact (If you have one)

    Company Name: *

    Name: *


    Company Address *

    City *

    State *

    Zip *

    Phone number: *


    Email Address: *

    Number of employees

    Local: *


    I am interested in (Check all that apply)

    Health & Wellness FairSports & Fitness FestivalOnsite Biometric ScreeningOpen Enrollment ExpoFlu VaccinationsCovid 19 TestingVirtual Wellness Fair

    --------------- Optional Fields Below ---------------

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    Company Information: (Recommended)

    Host Company:

    Health Insurance (PPO or HMO, % if applicable)

    Dental Insurance (PPO or HMO, % if applicable)

    Vision Insurance (PPO or HMO, % if applicable)

    Alternative Coverage:

    Industrial Clinic:

    Tuition Reimbursement:

    Other Benefits:

    Are you self-Insured?

    Insurance Broker:

    Broker Contact / Phone # / Email

    Event Information: (If Applicable)

    Do you have multiple locations? (If yes, how many)

    Date(s) / Time of Event(s):

    Event Location / Address:

    Number of expected attendance:

    How many exhibitors / vendors would you like?

    Is this open enrollment?

    Are you including biometrics?

    Do you need a bid for biometric screenings? If so, check all that apply:

    Total cholesterolHDL/LDL cholesterolGlucoseBlood pressureBody FatOther: (List all that applies)

    Other biometric screenings:

    Any other information we should know: